Energy Habits Productivity

5 power habits to maximize personal productivity

Like fitness, business and personal productivity is always a debated topic. People have varying opinions on what is the single biggest factor that drives productivity.

Why not, being productive is indeed the pinnacle of human success and ultimately to be happy.

From my own experience and reading many other leaders’ stories, what I have understood is, that happiness comes from being in action and developing the ability to deliver consistent results.

This delivering consistent results means being productive.

What drives productivity is not very clear. And most people wrongly assume the biggest factor that drives productivity is how long one works!

Yes, time spent, and hard work are key higher results, but there is a limit to these factors causing productivity increase. Actually, in some of the work types, more time spent causes a drop in productivity.

This is where a holistic view of what drives productivity is critical! Because, recent studies show that workplace productivity, continues to go down among many people.

The reason cited is most people feel emotionally drained and mentally tired which is taking a toll on personal as well as organizational productivity.

Now one cannot be focused on results if one feels stressed, tired, or emotionally drained.

The new paradigm of productivity is by managing one’s own energy level. This is rooted in the philosophy that, we human beings are essentially energy bodies and managing

Energy, not time is fundamental currency of high Performance.

The good news though, while time is finite, energy is not. It can be renewed and strengthened.

So, what this energy and how to renew and strengthen it ? Let’s explore..

Energy, fundamental currency of high performance

You may wonder, what do I mean by energy?

I am sure this is a word, not too often used in business circles.

Ask 10 people what they mean by being energetc.

You get 10 different answers ranging from some associating with physical fitness and being quick to being aggressive, bold, risk-taking, or ability to spend more time at work and many others.

But the energy as a concept is not restricted to physical means. Energy is wellbeing of the person and hence it needs to be considered at 4 levels

It is physical, mental, emotional, and the spiritual(conscious) level.

In a way we can Workout, Work, Worth, and Workship are all the same things that are all linked to a common source of Energy.

4 Levels of Energy

The power of emotions

In today’s knowledge-based work environment, what seems to be affecting is energy depletion experienced due to heightened emotional stress and mental confusion.

Our brain is the center of our emotional, and mental wellbeing and it does work like a muscle.

If are keep our emotional, and mental well-being in a positive state, our brain is active and we get to be more productive.

On the other, constant stress, and confusion cause the brain to work less and seek distraction, and rest

Emotional energy is a key driver of productivity

And today with the world around us becoming more complex, and chaotic with too many changes happening at a rapid pace, managing the emotional energy is the most important of all.

Our left brain which is a rational and logical part of the brain can create plans, set goals, etc but in the end, what matters is if our right brain, that is our emotions is managed.

You only have so much emotional energy each day. Don’t fight battles that don’t matter.


A good analogy for the emotional and logical mind is of the elephant and rider. A Rider (Logical Mind) can never lead the Elephant (Emotional Mind) if the Elephant doesn’t cooperate.

The elephant which is our emotions is too strong for the rider which is our logical side to take control.

If our emotions are not in control, then in spite of knowing what needs to be done, we may fail to do things.

So there are, 2 critical things that need to happen consistently if we want to perform at the highest levels, be productive, and maintain optimal energy levels throughout the day

  • The Clarity of Thoughts & Action
  • Experiencing positive emotions

Towards this, the way is to build routines that help to not only drain less energy but also replenish our energy frequently throughout the day.

5 power habits to keep energy levels high at mental & emotional levels

Here is my list of the top 5 power habits of high-performance routines to manage emotional and mental energy levels, feel free to add your own!

  1. Having a working memory: This means we need to be reminded all day what we should be working on. This is where weekly, and daily planning helps. Every morning we can’t think about what work to be done and meander the whole day planning or thinking about activities. The more structure, and clarity we bring in, drains less mental energy. I am guilty of missing these few days a month, but this is something I have taken up to practice this year. You can read more about this in my article how to get over to-do list and learn to prioritize
  2. Focus on what is in control: One constant reason for stress is being worried about things that are out of our control. It is best to avoid giving too much thought to something we cannot act. So many things are outside our control. Such as what the customer says about the proposal you have already sent, or about the economy, govt policies, politics, etc. On most of these, if you cannot act, then paying any attention to these just drains huge energy. Knowing the circle of control and being focused on that is the highest form of being productive.
  3. Avoiding negative thoughts: This is in relation to an earlier point. But this goes at a feeling level. Maximum energy is drained from negative feelings and thoughts. Talking negative stuff, and being exposed to negative events on news channels, and social media, is a drain on energy. Instead of, spending time learning new stuff or spending time with a friend, an influencer who multiplies the value of life is far more valuable. One needs to ensure that any time spent leaves us positively motivated and refreshed.
  4. Regular breaks: Our brain works like a muscle, so it fatigues easily esp when doing new, uncertain tasks. So it is good to take breaks in between. The breaks can be 15 to 20 minutes long for every 90 to 120 minutes of focused work. During this break, a simple stretching, relaxing, and taking a walk opens our creative side. Most people get ideas not during their office work, but during casual walks, or spending time in nature. This simple act also replenishes our energy levels.
  5. Limiting daily choices: Highly productive people, limit their choices! Ex, Steve Jobs, used to wear only a Black Turtleneck T-shirt and eat the same breakfast every day! The reason is, that making decisions drains our energy. It is a choice b/w getting maximum productivity vs. allowing ourselves too many choices and ending up draining energy on making trivial choices! Keeping ourselves with minimal choice saves energy spent on decision-making.
  6. Good sleep & power naps:  This is a bonus tip. There is enough evidence that having a good sleep is a must to keep high energy levels. Also, power naps during the day help a lot. Winston Churchill used to take afternoon naps even during WW II, and many top CEOs have this as their routine. I am always fond of this and do it daily. Just a 15-minute power nap or focus on slow breathing helps to get back to the rhythm.

The new paradigm- Manage Energy not Time

Time management as a concept has been in practice for ages. But in today’s knowledge world, more than learning to manage time, managing priorities and energy levels is critical. Because,

Embrace the new paradigm that is needed in today’s workplace,

The Power of Full Engagement

Old ParadigmNew Paradigm
Manage TimeManage Energy
Life is a marathonLife is a series of sprints
Downtime is wasted timeDowntime is a productive time
Rewards fuel performancePurpose fuels performance
Self-discipline rulesRituals, Habits Rule
The power of positive thinkingThe power of full engagement

As a new paradigm, developing new rituals or habits is a powerful principle to adopt.

Develop a habit of managing the emotional and mental energy level, as it is one of the highest forms of activity and one cannot afford to miss it.

By Prashanth Godrehal

I am Prashanth Godrehal and I am passionate about studying and writing on personal productivity, developing work habits. I publish contents based on my own personal experience, referring to yogic sciences as well as latest brain research and psychology.