
Are you doing your energy audit?

Ok! When I say energy here, it is not your electricity or mobile battery! It is personal energy!

We are all energy bodies. There is enough proof to show that our body is not just chemical but it is the electro-bio body and there is energy that drives our daily actions.

So, if you ever wondered how few despite having the same time and resources, are able to achieve huge success and be highly productive, it comes down to the #1 thing, I,e it is by managing optimally their energy levels throughout the day.

The energy here is not just physical, but it includes mental energy as well as emotional side. And believe it, our most energy consumption is drained due to poor management of mental and emotional energy.

That is why today’s top CEOs and leaders are coached in personal energy management

What is personal energy management/audit?

An energy audit is all about identifying & doing only those things at work where you feel maximum energy and delegating, eliminating the things at work where you feel low energy or those that drain your energy.

Doing things, which fuel energy is much different from doing things that are important and urgent, important as recommended in Eisenhower matrix.

Because you feel energetic, the time no longers matters.

Your thinking stops here and you are in the flow. Your output per 1hr can be 10 times! How to do this?

5 steps for energy audit

1. Create a list of things you do in your work, that drain your energy, things you don’t like doing, or just feel heavy in your work

2. Create a list of things that you do that gives you energy, that makes you feel inspired, energetic, alive, and light

3. Go back through your whole list and give a rating of each activity on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being extremely energy draining and 10 being most alive and you feel inspired when you do it

4. Each week eliminate/outsource/ 1-3 things from your energy drain list and do more of the activities that are a 9 and 10 on your list

5. The goal is to get you to a point where you’re spending 80% of your work time doing things that are 9 and 10 on your list

PRO TIP: The first 2 steps you can do by capturing the last 2 weeks of work items if you are already aware of it. It becomes easier to start eliminating the work this week itself.

I have been using this simple template to do to audit my energy levels.

You can do the same and let me know how it goes in the comment section

By Prashanth Godrehal

I am Prashanth Godrehal and I am passionate about studying and writing on personal productivity, developing work habits. I publish contents based on my own personal experience, referring to yogic sciences as well as latest brain research and psychology.