Habits Priorities Values

What is your money relation with time ?

In a recent interview, Warren Buffet said, When you are at my age, your bank balance does not define how successful you are. Warren Buffet Buffet for most of his life focused on increasing his net worth over giving away his money. He never gave money for charity. After his 1st wife passed away, when […]

Energy Habits Productivity

5 power habits to maximize personal productivity

Like fitness, business and personal productivity is always a debated topic. People have varying opinions on what is the single biggest factor that drives productivity. Why not, being productive is indeed the pinnacle of human success and ultimately to be happy. From my own experience and reading many other leaders’ stories, what I have understood […]

Habits Productivity

How to apply the mental framework in decision making

Every day we make 10’s of decisions. Some are of trivial nature as it is just about choosing which dress to wear or which route to take to office vs, some complex of decisions of deciding to work on a new project, hiring new staff, starting a new career each of which can have a […]

Energy Habits Productivity

Seems to be busy always, break your time habits

Let’s accept the fact that being busy is the easiest thing nowadays. It is easy to take up many random talks or involve in chatting with friends, endless coffee meetings, going through FB, IG or WhatsApp feeds, or shopping sites, etc and before we know it would have taken hours. The unfortunate truth is that […]

Habits Prioritizing Productivity

Art of delegation to gain more time

The idea of delegation is not new for anyone who is in the role of leadership or running a business for quite some time. But still, I have seen in others as well as experienced myself, delegation doesn’t come naturally and it is not easy. If we see “To Do” list of anyone, it is […]