Social Psychology

The Secret to Winning: Embracing the Losers Game

Imagine a game where winning is not about being better than your opponent, but rather, about avoiding mistakes and letting your opponents defeat themselves. Sounds counterintuitive, right?

Well, according to Dr. Simon Ramo’s book “Extraordinary Tennis for the Ordinary Tennis Player,” this concept applies not only to sports like tennis but also to various domains in life.

Social Psychology

Narratives and the art of deception

Human mind is shaped by narratives and for ages people across feilds have used this tool to influence thier thinking. All narratives follow common story theme and this is what makes it more powerful to use for good or bad

Influencing Persuasion Social Psychology

How Small British Island Country Ruled Mighy Bharath: A Model-Driven Analysis

A few years back I read one of the famous talks by Charlie Munger, Business Partner of Warren Buffet who discussed the remarkable success of Coca-Cola in his essay “How to Turn $2 Million Into $2 Trillion”. In this talk, he leaned into a ‘latticework of mental models’ ie, by viewing the businesses through the […]