
Why using these 3 words can be bad for your career success?

Someone recently asked me are you an AI thinker?

AI is not about Artificial Intelligence it is Appreciative Inquiry here:)

AI method is from the management guru David Cooperrider that involves concentrating on the strengths, positive attributes, and potential of a person, team, company rather than weaknesses.

That means, What is going well at the moment? replaces the classic question What is the problem?

The fact is every person, team, companies, has faults. And the very awareness of this as fact can lead to a determined pursuit of perfection.

Focusing on faults can cause things to stifle, projects to stop, and creates a tense atmosphere.

On the other hand, a good working principle is to focus on what is going on well and continue to make it better. But it is easier said than done. It is common to come across people in all walks who want their way, keen to shot down other ideas in discussions.

So if you are in the team and one of the best ways to understand a person’s character, is by observing how they react to other suggestions. People often reveal their character in their approach to discussions.

There are 4 basic types that can be identified, according to how people react to suggestions

The fault-finder: The idea is good, but…

The dictator: “No!’

The school teacher: ‘No, the idea isn’t good because..”

The AI(Appreciative Inquired) thinker: ‘Yes, we could also..’

As Marshall Goldsmith puts in his book “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There”, one of the habits of leaders or for that matter anyone practice is to avoid using No, But, However.

The overuse of these negative qualifiers secretly says to everyone, “I’m right. You’re wrong”. Instead, an AI guy says, Yes, let’s explore other options.

Develop the habit of not using 3 words, No, But, However

Do share your comments.

By Prashanth Godrehal

I am Prashanth Godrehal and I am passionate about studying and writing on personal productivity, developing work habits. I publish contents based on my own personal experience, referring to yogic sciences as well as latest brain research and psychology.