
Living in Genius Zone

Do you feel oftentimes that you are doing just things that others do instead of following your joy or calling?

Or you feel stuck in a routine that lacks creativity and doesn’t find the energy required to live your life.

If this is something that relates to you, you are not alone.

The fact is we are all genius in our own way. But due to fear and conformity, many are limiting their life that is hardly fulfilling, and definitely not living in the zone of genius.

But good thing is, there is a way to take back control of life and live in the Genius zone.

What is Genius Zone?

A few years back, if you asked me, I ticked yes on all the 3 questions above. I had closed one of my businesses and another business I started wasn’t getting much traction.

I kind of felt I am just doing again things I tried to move away from. During that time, I came across The Genius Zone book referred by a mentor (From the book Big Leap by author Gay Hendricks).

This book helped me a lot and has ever since been referred to many of my friends & clients.   

What does this book help with?

It helps you find the Genius zone. Zone of Genius is where you find the sweet spot of what you are uniquely good at and also what you love to do. So that the work you do becomes effortless. There is a way to find this Genius zone.

4 Steps to Find Zone Of Genius

1. Identify your Zone of Incompetence. What are the things you dread doing or what other people probably do better than you (Ex for me ..doing accounting, following up with people, creating images, and video editing). Make a list of these activities and start looking for ways to outsource/delegate/delete them.

2. Identify your Zone of Competence. These are the things you’re good at, but others are as good as you (For me this includes, technology, client interactions, and creating ads …). The best is to outsource these if you don’t find joy in doing these.

3. Identify your Zone of Excellence. These are the things that you’re excellent at (i.e., better than others, my case: strategy part, learning new things, creating video content, new ideas) but don’t love doing. This area is the danger zone.

Many people will want you to keep doing these things (as they gain significant value from you doing them), but this is the area that you should also look to move away from if you really want to live in joy. This is the hard one!

4. Identify your Zone of Genius. This is the sweet spot between what you are uniquely good at in the world and what you love to do (so much that time and space likely disappear when you do them).

This zone is where you can add the most value to the world and yourself. This area is where you should be driving toward spending most, if not all, of your time.

Find these things that come easily to you and that you enjoy doing. How can you turn these into a business or career?

Now it is common to worry that if everyone lives in the Zone of Genius who will do all those not fun stuff?

But the thing is what is a Zone of Genius for one may be a Zone of Competence or a Zone of Excellence for others and vice versa. Different types of personalities people exist.

For some accounting or operations gives a kick whereas for other strategies, design or writing, etc.

Finding our Genius zone is key! So can lead more fulfilling lives, reach our potential, and tap into our creativity.

So what is your zone of genius or zone of excellence? Type in the comment below and feel free to share with others who may find this useful.

By Prashanth Godrehal

I am Prashanth Godrehal and I am passionate about studying and writing on personal productivity, developing work habits. I publish contents based on my own personal experience, referring to yogic sciences as well as latest brain research and psychology.