Habits Priorities Values

What is your money relation with time ?

In a recent interview, Warren Buffet said, When you are at my age, your bank balance does not define how successful you are. Warren Buffet Buffet for most of his life focused on increasing his net worth over giving away his money. He never gave money for charity. After his 1st wife passed away, when […]


The neuroscience and quantum mechanics & changing our beliefs

If you have ever tried to build a certain habit or way of thinking but struggling, then you are not alone. When it comes to personal changes, it is noticed in some areas, we are able to pull it off but in some other areas, we struggle. Rich people who are so good at money, […]


4 hacks to stop giving up on your goals

Stop setting goals. Goals are pure fantasy unless you have a specific plan to achieve them. Stephen Covey Goals are great and it is common practice to set goals to achieve anything meaningful in life. But most goals are not met because there are inherent challenges that come with goals. As the goals are longer […]


Living in Genius Zone

Do you feel oftentimes that you are doing just things that others do instead of following your joy or calling? Or you feel stuck in a routine that lacks creativity and doesn’t find the energy required to live your life. If this is something that relates to you, you are not alone. The fact is […]


Practicing beginners mind

How many times do we find ourselves doing the same things and not getting any better? The common term used for this is Plateauing. Say exercise. You start with great enthusiasm and start getting some amazing results. But then over the course of time your settle for a narrow range of performance. I have experienced […]