
The one single factor to keep motivated even during crisis times

With the Covid-19 impact growing, the new working norms getting set, work from home is becoming more and more common.

In these times, it is natural to feel less motivated and also if leading teams it is difficult to keep the teams motivated.

But during these crisis times, the need to be self-motivated and able to keep teams motivated is of the highest need.

Over the last 5 years, I have worked from home for a large part. The challenge with work from home I have faced and I keep hearing many others is one of keeping oneself motivated. There are far too many distractions.

In this article, I want to share what is that one single factor if you focus, will really help you keep yourself motivated and also helps if leading a team, your team members to be motivated!

But before I share that, I want to give a little understanding of what is motivation, so that we are on the common ground.

Motivation is key for actions

A good definition of motivation is Motive towards Action.

Now when it comes to what drives one’s own actions, unfortunately, there is no one single answer.

There are many driving factors that exist and one needs to dig into oneself to find out what motives one’s action.

Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly. In addition to self-awareness, imagination and conscience, it is the fourth human endowment-independent will-that really makes effective self-management possible.

Stephen Covey, Author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Though 2 individuals may exhibit the same action of working long hours, focus on innovation, what drives their action can be different. One may be working to earn more money and the other for recognition.

Most of the studies say that intrinsically we are all motivated by one or more of the below factors,

  1. Achievement – I’m Succeeding
  2. Gaining mastery/Power – I run things
  3. Societal recognition – I have friends
  4. Ego gratification – I am the best
  5. Survival – I don’t want to fail

While all share these universal motivations, the dominant motivating can be different for different people.

Inspite of the fact that we are all intrinsically motivated, the external environment and emotional state we are in can affect us a lot.

The external circumstances and priorities alter our motivation levels. The constant emotional battle we face can mask our intrinsic motivation factors and might dominate only the survival instinct.

A good analogy for the emotional battle we face is one of the elephant and rider.

If we consider Rider as a Rational Mind (Intrinsic motivation) and Elephant as an Emotional mind, Rider can ride the elephant only when elephant co-operates. Elephant, if it doesn’t co-operate, even the best rider is too small against the power of the elephant.

Our emotional side is too strong for our rational side to take control. All the rational side can do is to manage the emotional side. So emotional management is key criteria.

If our emotions are not in control, then in spite of knowing what needs to be done, we fail to do things. We won’t be in action.

So be in action and not swayed by daily emotional turmoil, what is required is to tie to some external motivation factors.

The key external factor which drives us to keep in action

Studies have shown in the business environments, there are 5 key external motivation drivers,

  • Having the right set of Incentives
  • Having clear goals
  • Offering interpersonal support
  • Due Recognition
  • Support for making progress

A lot of companies focus on the first 4 factors but if there is one factor that has the highest impact on keeping one motivated is of making consistent progress.

If you are leading a team, then providing “Support of making progress”, is what keeps team members motivated.

When workers sense they are making headway, their drive to succeed is highest

Teresa Amabile, The Progress Principle

The extrinsic motivation of big incentives, high goals, and promise of support and recognition & awards, all of these don’t motivate if the one is not able to make progress in what one is asked to do.

If you can support making progress that provides the highest motivation to succeed.

Motivation is a skill

Motivation most people think as an attitude. It is quite common to say I like to hire someone who is self-motivated. I don’t see him being motivated. When we consider motivation as attitude, what that means is it cannot be changed. It is kind of labeling the person.

As I said, highly self-motivated individuals also can get demotivated. Similarly, those who don’t seem motivated can become motivated! If we see this way, then motivation is like a skill.

Skill is something that can be learned and practiced. With skills, over time as we practice, we become good at it and rarely forget. Skill can be taught.

The best skill to develop to keep motivated is to “keep the progress as a priority always”. I have experienced always when progress is made, the motivation remains highest.


The only factor which has highest impact on keeping motivated is consistent progress. All the other external factors of offering incentives, and promising some recognition are not effective if we are not making consistent progress towards a goal.

Now then there is motivational talks and speeches which many like to practice. Unfortunately, when someone is not able to make progress, motivational talks or speeches are again not really effective.

By Prashanth Godrehal

I am Prashanth Godrehal and I am passionate about studying and writing on personal productivity, developing work habits. I publish contents based on my own personal experience, referring to yogic sciences as well as latest brain research and psychology.

5 replies on “The one single factor to keep motivated even during crisis times”

Well written. I truly believe one of the important things for a leader to do for her team is to remove obstacles or impediments. To me support for progress is a manifestation of that. Well written.

That’s right Santosh. Most of the progress is made by removing the obstacles & impediments.

Bang on very true, unless there is progression motivation cannot sustain +1, thanks for nice article.

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